Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Fi de curs 2016-2017!

Ja s’han acabat el curs de nens i joves de Sant Celoni, aquí deixem algunes fotos del'últim dia de classe!

Us desitgem un bon estiu!

Imaginary holiday

The N6s finished their course doing a presentation on where they would like to go on holiday

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

A handy hen!

The INFs have been doing a little hand painting today. Who would have known you could make a hen from a hand.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Cursets d'estiu

Benvolgudes famílies,

Només volíem recordar-vos que encara hi han places pels cursets d’estiu. Passeu per recepció per demanar més informació.

Cursos per joves, adults, speaking and listening,  preparatoris d’exàmens…

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Grammar in context

TPFCE practise using "have/get something done" by making a list of all the improvements that could be made to the school patio.

N6 banana drama

N6 practise prepositions by playing the banana drama game.