Friday, 29 June 2018

Week one of English-our self-portraits

The students joke with their self portraits of how they feel durint the first week....

My favourite TV programme

We are learning vocabulary about our favorite TV programmes and the type of programmes they are, for example, documentaries, sports programmes, and dramas. There are our favourite TV programmes!

The relationship

We did a discussion about our relationship with animals and they discussed then wrote on the board their thoughts after learning vocabulary.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Picture Description

These drawings are the results of students describing images of people doing actions. The person drawing could not see the image and relied on the description of their partner in order to draw the picture. They did quite well!

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Cursos d'estiu!

Aquesta setmana hem començat els cursos d'estiu... intensius per joves i adults, consolidació, d'Speaking and Listening, particulars compartides... benvinguts a tots/es!!!

Us presento els grups de l'Angarad i la Sarah:

Bye bye! Chris!

Ens acomiadem d'en Chris que ha estat amb nosaltres donant classes tot aquest curs 2017-2018, que et vagi molt bé! Els alumnes i tot el equip de Sant Celoni et diem: Fins aviat!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Festa final de curs 2017-18

Aquí us deixo algunes fotos de les festes dels grups de dimarts i dijous!!