Ja han acabat tots els cursos d'estiu, speaking and listening, intensius, consolidació, preparatoris, classes compartides i individuals... ara sí que sí... us desitgem un fantàstic estiu!!
Els nostres grups de joves han estat convidats a un gelat en la Jijonenca per celebrar el fi de curs d'estiu! Bona feina!
Recordeu que tornem el 27 d'agost amb les piles recarregades! I el curs comença el 14 de setembre!
On Friday we had a discussion about the most important
technological gadgets. We did a mingle activity to find out more about the
students' favourite gadget.
Today they designed their own ideal party and had to
choose 3 guests. There were discussions and debates before a final decision
about guests, the menu, seating plan and topics for discussion.
We learnt about body parts in class and then discovered
some idioms in English using body parts. The two students on the floor really
thought it was a right pain in the neck to be on the floor!