Tuesday 19 February 2019

Meet the teachers!


L’Angharad ja porta un parell de cursos acadèmics amb nosaltres, també ha estat fent els nostres intensius d’estiu. Durant aquest curs ha donat les classes de preparació de proficiency amb el 100% d’aprovats! 

1) Where are you from?
I am Welsh and come from a small town near the capital, Cardiff. So I feel at home here in the mountains!
2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher?
I worked for 11 years in London for a bank. A little different to being a teacher!
3) What brought you here?
I wanted a complete change and decided to do something with my languages. I wanted to live abroad again, so teaching was a good option.
4) What is it like living/working here?
It´s very different to London and much friendlier. People stop to talk which is very welcoming. I don´t miss the Welsh rain nor the commute on a tube for an hour!
5) What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy travelling, meeting friends, exploring Catalonia, reading and trying out all tasty foods  you have here. 

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