Monday 25 February 2019

Meet the teachers!


És el primer any de la Kate, en el nostre centre de Sant Celoni, la hem pogut veure actuant en la Pantomime del passat desembre, també està participant en Sing in English de Sant Celoni i fa classes i organitza un curs en Granollers els caps de setmana.  

1) Where are you from?
I'm from a small town on the coast of North wales called Prestatyn.

2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher?
Before teaching I worked for many years in the hospitality industry and even owned a Bar/Restaurant for a few years.

3) What brought you here?
After spending many years holidaying on the Costa Brava and Costa Maresme, I eventually moved here with my family when I was 15.

4) What is it like living/working here? 
I love living in Spain, I've been here for that many years now (nearly 22) that I don't even like going back to the UK anymore, it's too cold! This is home to me now.

5) What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I enjoy socializing, watching films, and I'm a bit of a board game/card game freak.😆

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